
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sensing is Flowing. Flowing is Sensing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The rustle of leaves/Anahata Nada.

When the mind has died to itself , died to its own clamour and noise, fallen silent. That state is devotion. There is no separation between Man and God then. Its a state of an alive intelligence. A simple awakening. A silent flowering. A blessing. A warmth. A smile. And its beyond all this too. That can't be fathomed. That can be known, but not deciphered. enjoyed but not analysed. In this extraordinary simplicity and primal innocence lies the redemption of woman. In the rustle of leaves in the night wind. In the rain in the air and even the distant noise of a TV somewhere. Beauty holds them all. And Beauty alone is supreme.

The wind is strong. The storm though abated, hasn't completely left. There is more rain in the air. The night wears on.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Endless Inspiration.

This one's for Sangi, and the amazing love she fills our lives with. What a blessing she is. Thanks! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i am no traveler.

I am no traveler, and I want no co-travelers. Don't make spirituality into a conceptual journey. Its the end of all journeys. All labels, concepts and self created images. The identity of a traveler, or a pilgrim, or a seeker is not any nobler than all other identities. Why give ourselves these labels, pin these badges and wear special robes. Isn't truth a matter of shedding robes, than wearing coloured clothes, shaving my head or growing my hair. What nonsense. And of what use is it. Endlessly separating man from man. And ourselves from life. Finding new ingenious ways to insulate ourselves from the ocean of life. What a screaming illusion. What a lot of struggle and effort carrying our falsehood's around, parading it without any dignity or love. Why? Fear? What are you so afraid of? Is love that scary? That it will eat you up. Vanish you completely. Break your dreams, and destroy all that you've built up meticulously all these years. Brick by brick. For thousands of years. What a mess. You are so invested in it, that you don't see a life out of it. Its impossible to imagine a life outside of your box. Not that imagination is of much use anyway. We need to see it. Calmly and directly. With absolute clarity. This whole falsehood that the society has been based on. And how we have pledged our freedoms to this lie, coz we don't have the fire in our bellies, courage to stand with our spines straight. Or love in our hearts to see why its important to shout out from the roof tops. To set ourselves unconditionally free. Decisively and clearly. And not year after year say the same inane pledges - i shall be a better person this year than last. What use? When you live in truth, can you ever 'improve'? Can your sadhana get better. Make 'progress' as a pilgrim - Where from do these ideas come. These comparisons.

Die to yourself, and wake up to life. Clean out your mess. Now! Not tomorrow or day-after. Find the compassion in your heart. And the courage in your being. Its now or never. And Be a howling challenge to all that is false and messy. Be dangerous. Absolutely dangerous. With love. Not hate.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

would you reject the message, coz the messenger is a hypocrite?