
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

When i was 15 or 16, i read Eric Segal's 'Love Story'. It was a Reader's Digest condensed edition, and the first novel i had read in life. It was so captivating that by the end of the book i had totally fallen in love with Jennifer Cavalleri. She was everything i wasn't - chirpy, happy, witty, soft, and i was awe-inspired. Her poignant death at the end further touched me. i carried her with me for a long time even consciously modeling my personality around hers, and projecting that standard onto many other women i met later on in life. Needless to say it was quite an unhelpful exercise.

In the subsequent years i had read the book many times over, the sequel as well and perhaps all of Segal's works. But i had not seen the movie. Wasn't sure if it will do justice to the book, and why spoil a beautiful memory if one can help it :) Last week i was cleaning the hard disk and found the movie again. Not so attached anymore, i got curious and watched it. Must say it was an interesting experience.

Anyway the point of this post, a couple of times at important points Jenny tells Oliver, "Love means never having to say you're sorry". In some sense it can be said it is the most important line of the book. In all these years it didn't make much sense to me.

Today it did.

i was touched. and so i write.

The Earth embraces me, Life loves me, the Wind holds me, the Sun kisses me, Breath animates me. What more do i need?

May all be well. May all be happy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

This time in silence with you, is so beautiful. I don't know if your heart is as moved as mine. I just want to say Thank you. 

(Sometime in November)

I am down to one string now Master. I can't play this without your help. I never could, but this is impossible.

(Sometime in December)

Thank you :)